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The Out-of-Network Dentist Dilemma: How to Help Employees

Posted on July 23, 2015 in Clinic and Provider Tips

Dentist leaning over looking at information

Are you responsible for managing your company's benefits? Maybe you are an HR professional for a large corporation, or perhaps you're a multi-tasking small business owner. Either way, your employees rely on you to help them navigate their health insurance plan.

So, what happens when an employee wants to visit an out-of-network dentist?

° Start with the Facts

Explain how your company plan works. Most Delta Dental of Iowa plans allow you to see any licensed dentist. However, employees will almost always save money if they choose a dentist in your plan's network.

° How to Help

Let us know. If an employee's dentist is not already part of the Delta Dental network – recommend him or her for participation. Learn more about how to invite a dentist to join.

° What Happens Next

When we receive a recommendation, we review the dentist’s background. Next we send the dentist an invitation to join the network. Advise employees that recommendation does not always result in network participation. The dentist makes the final choice.

° The Bottom Line

As subscribers, your employees receive the greatest value when they visit a participating dentist. The extra out-of-pocket expense may be worth it to some employees. Encourage them to weigh the costs vs. benefits and make a decision that works best for them.