How to Encourage Your Employees to Visit the Dentist
By Shelby Tatomir on March 19, 2019 in Insurance

As an employer, you know that to attract and retain top talent you need to look beyond salary to what benefits you’re offering. Today’s job seekers love seeing a prospective position that provides employee dental benefits. In fact, 82% of consumers surveyed stated that dental benefits were “very important” in their decision to take a new job. 54% said dental benefits were a must-have. Employees aren’t missing out on the fact that they need dental coverage. But, are employees using their coverage to the fullest? Maybe not, since one in four consumers with dental coverage has not been to the dentist in the past 12 months.
While providing benefits to your employees is always a good idea, you can also inspire them with activities to support their dental health, too. Use email reminders, newsletters, and some of our other suggestions to get employees in the dentist chair before restorative care is needed.
Not only do subscribers need encouragement to make dental appointments - their dependents do, too. Did you know that parents miss two and a half days of work a year because of their children’s dental problems? Whether it’s fear, cost, or time that’s keeping your employees out of the dental chair, we have the solutions to motivate them.
Inform your employees about why dental benefits are essential and helpful, and why maintaining dental health is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle.
Boost Employee Dental Care with Newsletters
As a good business owner, you know keeping up consistent communication with your employees is important for engagement and job retention. Kill two birds with one stone by prompting employees notice their dental health in a monthly newsletter! Include pertinent human resources info and company details. Bring up holidays like National Children’s Dental Health Month in February or National Dental Hygiene Month in October!
There are even dental health assessment quizzes you can use to get the conversation going, like the LifeSmile Assessment Quiz!
Here’s a list of a few more holidays we like to use to celebrate dental health and hygiene:
• New Year’s Resolutions
• National Children’s Dental Health Month
• American Heart Month
• National Donor Day
• National tooth fairy day 2/28 (twice a year)
• National Nutrition Month
• National Dentist Day 3/6
• American Diabetes Association Alert Day
• Root Canal Awareness Week 3/30 – 4/5
• National Facial Protection Month
• World Allergy Week 4/2-4/8
• World Health Day 4/7
• World No Tobacco Day 5/31
• National tooth fairy day 8/22 (twice a year)
• National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
• National Gum Care Month
• Fruit and Veggie Month
• Healthy Aging Month
• National Dental Hygiene Month
• Healthy Lung Month
• Mouth Cancer Awareness Month
• National TMJ Awareness Month
• American Diabetes Month
Pick and choose a few holidays to highlight in your workplace. Not only do these days help spread awareness, but they also provide a reminder about why employee dental care is essential. Employee dental benefits from Delta Dental make consistent preventive care easy.
Incentives and Competitions
As you know, dental health impacts overall health, and overall health impacts attendance! Support your employees’ wellness by allowing them to go to the dentist and other medical appointments when needed.
Many companies are jumping on the bandwagon when it comes to health-related competitions and wellness-challenges at work. Take supporting employee wellness one step further by offering opportunities and access in the workplace.
Some popular employee wellness programs are geared towards steps-a-day, while others have healthy cooking demonstrations on site. Bring employee dental health into the equation. Create a rewards system for acknowledging employees when they have their twice-yearly dentist appointments.
Whether it’s a gift card or a shout out at the monthly meeting, making employee dental care part of the conversation at work benefits everyone involved. Don’t forget about reminders to get a new toothbrush every three months or after an illness! Consider supplying toothbrushes and adding your company logo for a new type of brand “swag.”
We’re all about advocating for healthy employee teeth and bodies. This flyer is a great bulletin-board accessory to help keep healthy habits top of mind:

Take advantage of an easy win-win situation and encourage employees to go to the dentist and utilize their employee dental benefits. Share this link internally to guide employees toward finding a dentist in their area.
Looking for more on employee dental benefits and employee dental care in the workplace?
Check out our other blog:
• Bigger Network Boosts Employee Morale