Get Digital with Your Dental: Take the Paper-Free Plunge
By Caroline Jacobson on March 29, 2016 in Insurance

Peace out, paper! Similar to the rise and fall of pagers and LaserDisc players, it's common to see paper bills and statements going digital as companies attempt to “go paperless.” Paperless statements are predicted to reach 8.6 billion by 2017, according to an Infotrends study.
So what if you prefer an old-fashioned hardback book to an e-reader? Or a pen and paper over a Word doc and laptop? We get it—the change isn't easy for paper people. Here are a few reasons to convince even the biggest loose-leaf lovers:
• Because your personal information may be safer.
Almost 85% of identity theft cases are due to paper trails, according to Javelin Strategy and Research. This includes mailed transactions, stolen bills, statements and lost checkbooks. Electronic accounts provide real-time updates, so you can discover account fraud faster.
• Because a digital database is likely easier to manage than a mess of papers.
Bury the paper before it buries you! And nix the shredder because everything you currently get on paper is available online. Access your ID card, eligibility, claims and more.
• Because the environment will love you for it.
Subscribers who sign up for online statements contribute to the conservation of 151 million pounds of paper. How's that for an easy way to go green?!
Ready to take the paperless plunge? Learn more about going paperless with Delta Dental to get started. Whether you use our mobile app or your computer, everything is accessible paper-free.