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Back to School Checklist

By Jill Feilmeier on August 2, 2012 in Kid's Health

Mom walking her kids

With summer winding down and kids refocused on the dreadful day they have to return to school, Delta Dental of Iowa wanted to take some of the stress off of your shoulders.

It can be a busy time of the year getting kids ready for their 1st day of school. To ease your burden, we have a back-to-school checklist for you:

1) Clothes – every kids needs a back to school wardrobe

2) School supplies – don't forget those crayons!

3) A physical

4) Updated vaccines

5) And a dental check-up!

That's right folks, a dental check-up. The American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) say that a dental check-up is just as important as a physical. Too many people forget to put a dental check-up on their to-do list and it is our children who are suffering!

Tooth decay is THE top chronic childhood disease. What most parents don't realize is that children who have dental problems could also have trouble learning. Children who are in pain have trouble concentrating and show signs of Attention Deficit Disorder. When was the last time you sat through a meeting in pain and remembered anything?

Severe tooth decay can lead to other health problems that keep kids out of school. An estimated 51 million school hours are lost each year due to dental related illness. And this is ALL preventable!

Tooth decay leads to problems eating, talking and even affects behavior. With all the obvious problems presented by unhealthy mouth habits, you would think we would pay a little more attention to this growing problem.

Be sure that your children brush twice a day and floss at least once a day. Regularly scheduled visits to the dentist will make sure that your children do not experience serious dental problems.

Take the first step to giving your child a healthy smile and schedule a back-to-school dental check-up today. You will be happy that you did!