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Picture a Lifetime of Healthy Smiles for Your Child — Visit the Dentist By Age One

Posted on April 28, 2016 in Kid's Health

Little girl smiling

When your baby gets his or her first tooth, it's a big deal. The tiny, pearly white tooth breaks through after weeks of baby's drooling, restless nights and chewing on anything they can get their chubby hand on. The adorable pictures are shared with grandparents and parents breathe a sigh of relief they get a little break from teething. However, while you are taking that little break, don't forget to schedule baby's first dentist appointment within the next few months.

A lifetime of healthy smiles starts with good dental health habits and an exam in baby's first year. To protect that first tooth and all the rest that follow, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that a child should go to the dentist within six months of getting the first tooth – and no later than the child’s first birthday.

As a pediatric dentist and father of five, Dr. Joseph Quattrocchi of Children's Dentistry of Council Bluffs knows the importance of that first visit and has seen the outcomes of waiting too long to see the dentist. Preventive care and regular checkups can help avoid the pain and expense of an emergency visit.

“There is a common myth that dental visits are not necessary until the child is three years old,” said Dr. Quattrocchi. “The age one visit is not only important for the child, but it's also important for the parents so we can establish a relationship and educate about keeping that smile healthy.”

At the first appointment the dentist will:

• Check your child's teeth and mouth.
• Show you how to brush and floss.
• Teach you about food, drinks and habits that can cause cavities.
• Talk about fluoride.
• Check your child's bite, growth and development.
• Give you information to prevent accidents as your baby grows.

Scheduling the first visit to the dentist before age one can help your child achieve a lifetime of healthy smiles. It can also help parents get to know the dentist, know how and when to call if your child has an emergency and help you save money by learning healthy habits to help you take care of your baby's teeth. So while you snap a picture of baby's first toothy grin, remember to schedule their appointment with a dentist by age one. To learn more about taking care of your baby's smile visit