Worst Halloween Candies for Your Teeth, Ranked
Posted on September 10, 2021 in Kid's Health
With costumes, cauldrons, and candy, it’s hard not to get excited when Halloween rolls around! It’s the first of the slew of holidays that take us through the end of the year. As is the case with many holidays, Halloween comes with a ton of sweets and treats to set the fun tone for kids and adults alike. But as many of us know, too much of a good thing is never, well… good.
We’ll admit that it’s hard to have Halloween without its centerpiece: candy! Sugary treats may be difficult to avoid this time of year, but there are some choices that are better than others. Here’s a list of the top three WORST Halloween candies for your teeth. These are absolutely NOT dentist-approved!
3) Sour Candy
A popular choice for candy-lovers, this type of sweet is both sour in taste and in consequences. The acid that gives sour candy its flavor can weaken your teeth’s enamel, making them prime targets for cavities. Because acid can hurt those teeth over time, the few moments of pleasure aren’t quite worth the potential long-term trouble.
2) Hard Candy
The main reason hard candy isn’t good for your teeth is the temptation to bite down on them. Biting down on hard candies puts your teeth at risk for damage such as tooth fractures. Hard candy also takes longer to dissolve, so the sugars stay in your mouth longer than with other types of candy. Consider avoiding the lollipops this year!
1) Sticky Candy
In this case, first is not the best because sticky candy is actually the worst for your teeth. You know the kind. You take a bite, and it looks like a “cheese pull” of the sugar realm. This year, it would be a good idea to skip the stickier sweets, like toffees or caramels, as they are known to hang on to the teeth longer.
Sticky bites are the absolute worst Halloween candies for your teeth because when sugar lingers in the mouth, it creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to thrive. As a rule of thumb, if it sticks to your teeth, it’s a trick and not a treat!
It might seem like this list of the worst candies for your teeth leaves you with limited options. Fear not! Chocolate is better for you and is a great alternative to these sweets. What makes chocolate stand out? According to Delta Dental of Iowa chief dental officer, Dr. Jeffrey Chaffin, chocolate is better for you simply for the fact that it washes off the surface of your teeth easier than other sweets. Go for dark chocolate if it’s available when looking for the healthiest choice.
Candy is best consumed after your meals, which helps cut the time spent exposing teeth to sugar. As for aftercare, be sure to brush and floss your teeth after you consume candy, and twice a day in general!
Want more information on how to keep your teeth in great shape during the holidays? Click here.