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Why Eye Exams Are Essential to Kids’ Vision

Posted on February 7, 2020 in Vision Health

There’s no question that kids’ vision is important. Find out why annual eye exams are an important p

You know to visit the dentist twice a year for preventive check-ups, but did you know that annual comprehensive eye exams are equally as important?

About 6.8 percent of children in the United States have been diagnosed with a vision or eye condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, children with untreated vision problems may be suffering in silence from side effects including headaches, short attention spans, fatigue, difficulty in school, and more.

It’s important to visit an eye doctor for a comprehensive exam (not just a vision screening) every year to protect your kids’ vision and detect and treat any problems early.

Eye exams are vital for kid’s vision and eye health

Comprehensive eye exams are essential for children, and it’s important to note that a comprehensive eye exam is different from a vision screening. During the exam, an eye doctor will observe things such as visual acuity, visual function and eye health, the curvature of the cornea, and refraction. They will also document the vision health of your children to determine if any changes occur over time.

In addition, regular exams can reveal early warning signs of more serious overall health conditions. An eye doctor, can detect signs of hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and even diabetes. They also check for things like cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other vision impairments.

Eye exams help improve kids’ vision

Comprehensive eye exams serve as an opportunity to see exactly how well—or not—your child can see. It’s common for someone to think they have perfect eyesight right up until they get a pair of glasses or contact lenses. This is especially true for children, as they might not realize they are experiencing vision problems. Getting into a vision doctor early can prevent squinting and struggling to see while offering a chance to get the proper vision correctors if needed.

Protect your kids’ vision with annual eye exams

The American Optometric Association recommends that infants should have an initial eye exam between six and 12 months of age. Preschoolers, aged three to five, should be seen once. When a child enters school, or at about six years of age, it’s encouraged that they are seen annually.

If you suspect a vision injury or potential loss of eyesight, or your child complains about blurred vision, visit your provider as soon as possible. 

Vision insurance from Delta Dental of Iowa helps keep your family’s eyes healthy

Delta Dental of Iowa offers DeltaVision plans for individuals and for employers. These plans cover exams, frames, contact lenses, and even laser correction procedures, as well as discounts on lenses, at participating providers.

Find a DeltaVision provider

Interested in learning more about DeltaVision? Click here.

*Updated January 2024