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When should I add my child to my Vision Insurance?

Posted on May 29, 2024 in Vision Health

Father and daughter smiling and taking a selfie with their glasses on.

Parenting is full of decisions. Once your new “bundle of joy” arrives, you make sure they are covered by your medical insurance – but many parents ask when should you add them to your vision insurance? Or is your medical insurance enough?

Much like dental insurance does for oral health care, vision insurance helps keep your children’s vision and eye health a priority as they grow. Find out why vision insurance is important for everyone, no matter their age.

What is vision insurance?

Many people wonder what they get when they sign up for vision insurance. Vision insurance, covers vision care including eye exams, vision screenings, some of the cost for glasses, and more. Medical problems, such as an eye injury, are often covered by medical insurance instead.

Do kids need vision insurance? 

The short answer is yes.

Since vision problems can affect anyone at any age, it’s important to have coverage for all members of your family. Poor vision can impact their success in school, and cause physical problems such as headaches, eye strain, watery eyes, and more. It may also lead to difficulty with social interactions, reaching developmental milestones, and can be misdiagnosed as a behavioral problem.

Vision insurance helps parents and  vision care providers keep track of any vision changes as a child grows and presents opportunities for diagnosing problems early so that they can be treated quickly.

When do kids need vision insurance? 

Exactly when your child should be covered by vision insurance depends on factors such as family history, medical history, and age. Most children receive their first eye exam by six months of age. However, this is usually done by their pediatrician. Eye doctors generally recommend children have their first official eye exam at age three and then every two to three years after that.

If possible, beginning coverage for your child at birth is ideal. However, as long as they are covered by age three, your children won’t miss out on the benefits of having vision insurance.

Vision insurance for kids is important 

As parents, doing what’s best for your children is always a top priority. Taking them to the dentist twice a year, going to annual physicals, and visiting the eye doctor regularly are all ways to ensure they’re growing up healthy and happy.

For more information about vision insurance, check out “Use the protective power of an eye exam”.